PC for numerical calculation (first principle band calculation, quantum Monte Carlo method)

■ This is an article posted on June 2013, 12, so the content of the information may be out of date.

We would like to purchase a machine that performs first-principles band calculations and calculations using the quantum Monte Carlo method. OS is CentOS, HDD capacity is 1 TB or more. Budget is up to 40 yen. " I proposed.

As for the CPU, the number of cores is emphasized rather than the clock, and the memory capacity is 1GB per core. As a result of the meeting, the CPU was Xeon E4-5v2650 (2GHz 2.6 cores) and the memory was 8GB. The OS is CentOS 32 6.4bit pre-installed. In addition, an extended warranty has been added to provide a 64-year warranty (pickup repair).