Graph visualization and analysis software "Linkurious"

■ This is an article posted on June 2016, 4, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Graph visualization / analysis software on Unipos website Linkurious  Page has been added.

LinkuriousIs software for visualizing and analyzing large-scale data relationships (graphs). The data in the database can be shown in a diagram like a network structure composed of nodes and edges.

linkurious_ss1.jpg linkurious_ss2.jpg

In addition to the visualization of graphs, it has a search function, custom data editing of graphs, advanced data analysis, saving and sharing of created diagrams (Enterprise version only).

[Example of products handled]
・ Linkurious Starter

・ Linkurious Enterprise
* Regarding the difference between Starter and Enterpriseplease use this form. (Manufacturer page)

・ Linkurious.js toolkit
A toolkit for incorporating visualized graphs into web applications