Web application JavaScript library "Webix UI library"

■ This is an article posted on June 2017, 3, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Unipos website, JavaScript library for web applications Webix UI library Page has been added.

Webix UI library Is a JavaScript library for HTML5, CSS3 based web application (PC / mobile) development made by XB Software, a software development company in the Republic of Belarus.

In the commercial edition, PRO edition, 50 types of UI widgets and 30 types of UI form controls are included in the set. You can also use the more advanced widgets Pivot / Scheduler / Kanban / File Manager / SpreadSheet as an option.

[List of widgets / controls]

You can check the product details and demo from the product name link.

Data Widgets / 8 types
DataTable / DataView /GroupList/ List / Property Sheet / Tree / TreeTable /UnitList

Visualization Widgets / 5 types
Charts / pledge /RangeChart/ Organogram / TreeMap

layouts / 9 types
Accordion / Carousel / Form / Layout / MultiView / Portlets / scrollview /TabView/ Toolbar

Context widgets / 7 types
Context/ Context Menu / Menu / Popup /Sidemenu/Tooltip/ Window

Specific Widgets / 8 types
BarCode / Calendar /Colorboard/ Maps /DateRange/Excel Viewer/PDF Viewer/ Uploader

HTML-oriented widgets / 4 types
HTML Form / IFrame / Video / Template

Controls / 28 types
Button / DateRangePicker / GridSuggest / Radio / Select / Text / Checkbox / DatePicker / Label / RangeSlider / Segmented / Textarea / Color picker /DataSuggest/Multicombo/RichSelect/ slider / Toggle / Combo / Icon / Multiselect / RichText / Suggest / Tabbar / Counter / Fieldset / Multitext / Search

Complex widgets / 5 types
Pivot / Scheduler / Kanban / File Manager / Spreadsheet