[Recommended information for June] ROS compatible Unipos popular products

■ This is an article posted on June 2018, 6, so the content of the information may be out of date.

[Recommended information for July]

ROS – Robot Operating System compatible
Unipos popular products

What is ROS?


Open source software that helps software developers create robot applications.
A set of libraries and tools for controlling robots and acquiring images from sensors and cameras.
It is a platform that is being used in many research and development sites in recent years.

■ Introducing an example of Unipos products that are compatible with ROS



Dual arm robot
Baxter Robot
– Research Version


[ROS] Open source SDK using ROS



Robot arm
uArm Swift Pro


[ROS] ROS supports programming


3D camera
ZED Stereo Camera


[ROS] Stereo image and depth map acquisition (using ZED ROS wrapper)


2D distance sensor
360 Laser Distance Sensor LDS-01


[ROS] SLAM acquisition (using ROS package for LSD)


3D motion controller
Leap Motion Controller


[ROS] ROS driver for Leap Motion



* Move to the back number summary page on Unipos website