Open source AI car `` Duckietown '' that can learn robotics

■ This is an article posted on June 2019, 9, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Open source AI car that can learn robotics on Unipos website Duckietown Page has been added.

DuckietownIs a platform for learning robotics and AI from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). It is a highly flexible and playful platform that can be incorporated into various curriculums according to the educational level. It consists of small motor vehicles (Duckiebots), roads, traffic lights, signs, obstacles, people in need of transportation (Duckies), and the cities they live in (Duckietown). Equipped with a monocular camera and Raspberry Pi, the Duckiebot is carefully designed to slide through the difficulty of perceptual, inferential, and control tasks, sensing and determining oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic rules.

While small and cute, it supports learning and research to solve various problems necessary for autonomous driving. Materials are also available as open source and can be exchanged for education and research through the community.

In a small pseudo-city "Duckie town", you can enjoy driving robots and AI learning by driving a motor vehicle (Duckiebot).