"Visu-IT! Component Library", a component library for the automotive field that supports ASAP2

■ This is an article posted on June 2019, 9, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Component library for the automotive field that supports ASAP2 etc. on Unipos website Visu-IT! Component Library (VITLib) Page has been added.

Visu-IT! Component Library (VITLib) Is a component library from Visu-IT! Of Germany, which provides high-quality tools and services related to the automotive field. VITLib includes the following four components for handling the data standard ASAM MCD-2 MC (ASAP2) used in measurement, calibration and diagnostic systems, and ELF format files.

1. ASAP2 Parser (ASAM MCD 2MC Parser)
A very high performance general purpose parser (not fix linked to a certain ASAP2 version).
It supports all ASAP2 keys and supports both COM and .NET interfaces.

2.ASAP2 Library
Software components with the following features
・ Read / Write of ASAP2 file (including A2L-Parser)
・ Read / Write of Hex file
It combines ASAP2 information with Hex data to provide "semantic" access to Hex files.

3. ELF-Parsers
DEBUG section of ELF file in DWARF 2.0 and DWARF 3.0 format
And a component for parsing / reading in the symbol table.
It supports many compilers that generate FLF files.

4. CDF-Reader / Writer
A component that allows you to read and write files in the following formats
・ CDF Version: 2.0 (without STRUCTURE)
・ CVX Version: 1.0, 2.0

■ Click here for product details and inquiries
Visu-IT! Component Library (VITLib) /
Component library for the automotive field that supports ASAP2, etc.

Manufacturer (Visu-IT! GmbH) Website