[Workshop information] Chemometrics software "PLS_Toolbox" @ Tokyo

■ This is an article posted on June 2019, 12, so the content of the information may be out of date.
This workshop has ended

Chemometrics software for chemical engineers, analytical chemists, and other analytical scientists PLS_Toolbox -Two-and-a-half-day training course by Chemist developer Barry Wise in February 2 in Tokyo

Basic Chemometrics PLUS – Introductory training course on chemometrics

Place: Tokyo Ginza / Japan
Date: February 2020th (Monday) to 2th (Wednesday), 17

This is a popular course held in Japan. Please consider participating in this opportunity

Dr. Barry Wise, President of Eigenvector Research and developer of PLS_Toolbox, has a two-day hands-on short course (Basic Chemometrics) with an introduction to chemometrics, and an additional session that includes a half-day introduction to machine learning methods ( PLUS Session), the program will last for two and a half days (translation into Japanese will take place each day).

[Seminar contents]

■ Basic Chemometrics
- Linear Algebra for Chemometricians
- Chemometrics I: Principal Components Analysis
- Chemometrics II: Regression and Partial Least Squares
- Sample classification

PLUS Session
- Machine Learning Methods for Chemometricians
– Hands-on Demonstrations of new PLS_Toolbox / Solo Features
– Question and Answer Session

Since Eigenvector Research's PLS_Toolbox is used as a teaching material, a notebook PC with PLS_Toolbox (and MATLAB) or Solo installed is required. (If you do not have the above software, you can participate even on a PC with the demo version installed).

For details, please see the manufacturer announcement page here.
Basic Chemometrics Plus TOKYO


You can apply for this workshop through Unipos!
Please apply from this page

* If you apply by January 2020, 1, the early discount price will be applied.