9-degree-of-freedom robot "D'Claw" for operability and benchmark acquisition

■ This is an article posted on June 2020, 1, so the content of the information may be out of date.

A 9-DOF robot on the Unipos website for exploring operability and acquiring benchmarks D'Claw Page has been added.

D'Claw Is a robust, low-cost, easy-to-assemble 3-DOF robot with three symmetrical fingers around a circular laser-cut base. Benchmark robot developed by Google Brain Team ROBEL One of (Robotics Benchmarks for Learning), you can get benchmarks for learning complicated and dexterous operations and controls at your fingertips.

In D'Claw, you can observe three main operation movements (pause, rotation, twist).It also supports various simulations and is suitable for deep reinforcement learning and learning for exploring operability through demonstrations.

ROBEL open source platform

・ D'Claw… Robot for exploring operability
・ D'Kitty… Robot for exploring locomotion performance

[Example of handling results]


・ Flexible Objects: Increase the rigidity of the valve to observe rotation and movement (the object can be changed flexibly)
・ Disturbance Rejection: Disturbance removal, observation of movement to resist disturbance (MuJoCo simulation, etc.)
・ Finger Holdout: External perturbation, observation of movement when one finger movement is stopped (MuJoCo simulation etc.)
・ Multi-Task: Multitask learning to improve efficiency