PyRFA Enterprise Support, a support license for PyRFA, an API that allows access to market information in the Python language

■ This is an article posted on June 2020, 4, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Support license for PyRFA, an API that enables access to market information in Python language on Unipos website PyRFA Enterprise Support Page has been added.

PyRFA is a market information distribution system provided by Thomson Reuters "Reuters Market Data Systems (RMDS)"-For example, Elektron, TREP-RT, RDF-D, legacy RMDS etc. are accessed in real time in Python language and information is provided. It is a Python API that can be obtained.

PyRFA Enterprise Support Is an enterprise support license that allows you to receive consulting from the manufacturer regarding projects using PyRFA.

■ Examples of support contents:
Level 2 data, data contribution, multicast publishing, data replay, etc.

You can also access PyRFA's GitHub private repository by registering for Enterprise Support.