Mac & Windows compatible professional font creation tool "FontLab"

■ This is an article posted on June 2020, 6, so the content of the information may be out of date.

Professional font creation tool for Mac & Windows on Unipos website Font Lab Page has been added.

FontLab is a professional font editor for MacOS and Windows. Supports the creation of desktop fonts, web fonts, color fonts, and variable fonts.

With a variety of brushes, drawing tools, and spacing/kerning functions that make font creation smooth, we support a wide range of font designs from simple to complex, from start to release, in an integrated manner.

Not only OpenType fonts (TT, PS, Variable TT, Variable PS, SVG, sbix, CBDT, COLR, TTC) and WEB fonts (WOFF2, WOFF, EOT) but also data of font editors other than FontLab such as Glyphs and Fontographer. It corresponds.

FontLab features

*Click each item to move to the details page of the manufacturer's website.

Drawing – Next-generation drawing
editing – Seriously better Beziers
Color – Hello, color!
Variations – Variations included
Spacing – Outer and inner space
Glyph Sets – Always organized
Font Production – Pain-free production
Summary – FontLab 7 Summary

The latest version as of June 2020 is FontLab 7 .
With an upgrade license, you can upgrade your FontLab VI / FontLab Studio 5 / FontLab 3 & 4 / Fontographer 4.7 & 5 / TypeTool 3 to FontLab 7.30-day free trial versionPlease try out the more powerful FontLab 7 as well.