MFC extension library "Prof-UIS" for GUI application creation

■ This is an article posted on June 2020, 9, so the content of the information may be out of date.

MFC extension library for creating GUI applications on Unipos website Prof-UIS Page has been added.

Prof-UIS Is an MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) extension library for Visual C++ programmers that supports the creation of Windows applications with modern, user-friendly GUIs. With over 200 C++ classes and templates in Prof-UIS, fully tested and documented, you can quickly incorporate the latest GUI features into your projects.

Prof-UIS main functions

Theme Support / Toolbars / Control Bars / Ribbon UI / Date and Time Controls / Page Navigator / Common Controls / Resizable Dialogs / Image Editing / Customization / Menus / Tab Controls and Tab Page Containers / Page Container / Grid Controls / Skins / OLE Automation Support / Visual Studio Compatibility / Miscellaneous Features

Click here for a detailed list of each function
Prof-UIS Feature Tour