There are more and more opportunities to hear the word "SDGs" on TV and in the media.On the other hand, some people may ask, "How does it relate to your work and life?"
In this article, we will introduce the connection between R & D and SDGs through SDGs initiatives and related products in companies.
We hope that you will be able to provide an understanding of the 17 goals and 169 success criteria of the SDGs and clues for future research and development.
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What are SDGs
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were set out in the action plan "Transforming Our World: 2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in September 9. It is an international goal. Consisting of 2030 goals and 17 success criteria, it is a goal to aim for a sustainable and better world by 169.
Although the name and content of SDGs have recently become generally recognized, the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) existed as their predecessors. The MDGs were international development goals adopted in September 193 by all 23 UN member states and 2015 international organizations with the goal of achieving them by 2000. The SDGs aim to realize challenges that the MDGs could not achieve by 9.
In addition, under the slogans of "leave no one behind" and "five Ps (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership)" in the SDGs, peace and violence issues that were not included in the MDGs. We aim to promote sustainable development with a good balance of economy, society and environment.
In this way, the scope of the 17 goals set by the SDGs is wide, and in order to achieve them, a flexible way of thinking that is not bound by existing mechanisms and values is required.
In recent years, CSR activities that are conscious of the SDGs have become popular in companies, and it is not uncommon to express contributions to 17 goals on corporate Web pages.It is important for each company to tackle problems with various approaches, such as technological innovation and acceleration of research and development.In Japan, a new society "Society 5.0" has been proposed in order to achieve the goals of the SDGs and solve economic development and social issues.
Keidanren: Society 5.0 for SDGs
Society5.0 is also an important keyword related to achieving the goals of the SDGs, as the goal is to solve regional disparities, working environment problems, and issues related to resources and environmental issues by utilizing IoT and AI.
SDGs: 17 goals
As mentioned above, the SDGs have 17 goals and 169 success criteria.
As many of you may already know, the 17 goals of the SDGs are as follows.
1. Eliminate poverty (No Poverty):
End all forms of poverty everywhere
2. Zero hunger (Zero Hunger):
End hunger, achieve food security and nutritional improvements, and promote sustainable agriculture
3. Good Health and Well-Being:
Ensuring healthy living and promoting welfare for all people of all ages
4. Quality Education:
Ensuring inclusive, fair and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning opportunities
5. Gender Equality:
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
6. Clean Water and Sanitation:
Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
7. Affordable and Clean Energy:
Ensuring access to cheap, reliable and sustainable modern energy for all
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth:
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and full and productive employment and rewarding human employment (decent work) for all
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure:
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and promote innovation
10. Reduced Inequalities:
Correct inequality within and between countries
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities:
Achieve inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements
12. Responsible Consumption and Production:
Ensuring sustainable production and consumption patterns
13. Climate Action:
Take urgent measures to mitigate climate change and its impacts
14. Protect the abundance of the sea (Life Below Water):
Conserve and use marine and marine resources in a sustainable manner for sustainable development
15. Protect the richness of the land (Life on Land):
Protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, promoting sustainable use, managing sustainable forests, dealing with desertification, and stopping and restoring land degradation and preventing biodiversity loss
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions:
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective and accountable inclusive institutions at all levels
17. Partnership: Achieve your goals in partnership:
Strengthen implementation measures for sustainable development and revitalize global partnerships
Each of these goals has 169 specific goals as targets.
These 169 targets are published on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications web page. Even if the 17 goals aren't enough, you may be able to see the vision you should aim for by knowing the 169 goals.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: Tentative translation of indicators
The 17 goals are a big categorization of each social problem, and it is easy to understand that the 169 targets embody what problems should be solved in each category and what the indicators are. Probably.
Examples of corporate contribution activities
In Japan as well, various companies have announced their contribution to the SDGs.
Both companies are trying to approach the goals of the SDGs 17 by leveraging their uniqueness and know-how.Many of them contribute to multiple issues, and by knowing what kind of approach is being taken, what kind of fields are the 17 goals related to? It may be an opportunity to know how the fields are connected.
The efforts of each company mentioned here are just examples, and various other efforts are being made.For details, please check the official web page of each company.
Yamaha Motor
In Senegal, Africa, where traditional canoe fishing was common, we helped maintain tradition while improving fishing efficiency and safety.
The development of fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) boats has helped protect and preserve local fishing culture while reducing logging for boat production.
Yamaha Motor: SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
Yamaha Motor: Fishery Support – International Cooperation
Development of the AMOLEA series of low environmental load HFOs (hydrofluoroolefins) to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.This product was developed in response to the problem of global warming caused by HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons), which are widely used in place of CFCs.The performance as a refrigerant and solvent has not changed, and it was developed with the concept of significantly reducing the global warming potential.
AMOLEA has received the 19th "Green & Sustainable Chemistry (GSC) Award, Minister of the Environment Award" from the New Chemical Technology Promotion Association.
AGC: Innovation Story 01 Develop new refrigerants and solvents with low global warming potential.
In order to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, we are making efforts with an emphasis on cooperation with the entire industry.
By providing Toyota's patent license for vehicle electrification technology free of charge, we are contributing to the spread of electric vehicles.
In addition to the environmental aspect, the virtual human body model "THUMS (Total HUman Model for Safety)" that can analyze human injury in a car collision is released free of charge.
Compared to collision safety tests using dummy dolls, the effects of collisions on the human body can be analyzed in detail, contributing to improved safety performance throughout the industry and the realization of a safe society with zero traffic fatalities.
Toyota Motor: Initiatives for SDGs
The effects of environmental pollutants and environmental hormones on water, air, soil, and organisms have been regarded as a problem, but among them, we contributed to the improvement of water quality through the analysis of "microplastics," which are fine plastics diffused into water. I am.
Also, in the field of newborn mass screening, which diagnoses the presence or absence of metabolic disorders from a small amount of blood and prevents the occurrence of disorders in newborns, we have established the "tandem mass method" in collaboration with Shimane University, and many in a short time. We have established a method that can test for illness at once.
Shimadzu: Initiatives for SDGs through business
Shimadzu: Measures disease factors from blood to prevent the onset and aggravation of diseases in newborns: Social issues
Products related to SDGs
In addition to corporate CSR activities, products that are conscious of SDGs and products that can be used in research and development related to SDGs are being created all over the world.
Among them, we have picked up the products handled by our Unipos Division.
In addition to the products introduced here,UniposPlease feel free to contact us as we procure the latest products related to research and development from all over the world.
Products related to clean energy
■ Cell Voltage Monitor CVM32A / CVM24P / TEVOMET
The CVM32A and CVM24P are stackable CVM (Cell Voltage Monitor) systems designed for research and application of hydrogen fuel cell stacks, which are also attracting attention as clean energy.
TEVOMET is a multi-channel model temperature sensor and monitor for voltage measurement that can be used in research, automotive, testing and precision applications.Manufacturer Kolibrik primarily offers solutions and products for hydrogen fuel cell (H2FC = Hydrogen + Fuel Cells) technology and electrochemicals.
■ Power Factory
An integrated solution for power system design and analysis.
It features integrated functions for power systems and applicability to modeling of power generation, transmission, distribution, industrial power grids, etc.
A meteorological database based on data from 8,300 observatories around the world.
It is used for solar energy development, architectural design, heating & cooling system design, renewable energy system design, agriculture, forestry and environmental research.
Products related to water quality issues
■ Atlas Scientific Various measuring instruments for the environmental robotics field
We provide various measuring instruments that are expected to be used in the field of environmental robotics.
Mainly on water quality related measurements (pH / ORP / DO / Conductivity / Temperature), there are various sensors and circuits for building an environment for measuring various values.
* There is also an introductory article on the blog that shows the characteristics of each of the six types of hydroponic cultivation systems provided by Atlas Scientific.
■ The Geochemist's Workbench
Geochemical modeling software used by researchers in more than 60 countries in a wide range of fields such as environmental chemistry, hydraulic geology, geomicrobiology, nuclear power, and geothermal energy.
■ HI 9828 – Multiparameter
It is a portable meter that can measure 12 types of values such as pH, EC / TDS, ORP, DO, atmospheric pressure, and temperature, which are indicators for water quality inspection.
■ GMS (Groundwater Modeling System)
It is a groundwater data modeling solution that enables 3D conversion of groundwater flow and material transportation, and underground simulation.
It is used in fields such as geology, civil engineering, and environmental science, and is also suitable for deepening understanding of pollutants and groundwater problems.
■ Test Drop Pro
It is a water quality checker that allows you to easily check the water quality and judge whether you can drink it.
The device can be linked with a smartphone app for more detailed analysis of measurement results.
Products related to ecosystem research
Software that statistics and analyzes multivariate data such as biological communities, physicochemical variables, genetics, microorganisms, biomarkers, food, RS, and modeling.
It is used in biological monitoring, etc., and is used in fields such as biology, ecology, and environmental science.
■ Sound Trap
A recorder for marine acoustic research that records underwater sounds.
The recorder body and hydrophone are integrated, and low power consumption parts are used, so it can be installed in water for a long time (up to 160 days: SoundTrap ST600 model) and record.
■ HyperFire
It is an outdoor sensor camera that observes the ecology of wild animals.
It is equipped with an Ultra HD IR camera lens that enables clear image shooting.
■ Bushnell Trail Cameras
It is an outdoor sensor camera that observes the ecology of wild animals.
An outdoor camera equipped with PIR (pyroelectric infrared ray) can automatically shoot still images and videos.
Products related to creating a safe city
■ Duckie town
An open source AI car platform for learning robotics and AI.Duckiebot, a small automatic vehicle with a monocular camera and Raspberry Pi, is carefully designed to slide the difficulty of perception, reasoning, and control tasks to detect and determine oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic rules. I will.
Although it is small and cute, it supports learning and research to solve various problems necessary for autonomous driving.
■ SMS (Surface-water Modeling System)
A surface water data modeling solution that allows you to build high-level conceptual models of surface water data using common GIS objects such as points, arcs, and polygons.
■ Geo Studio
Software for various analyzes in geotechnical engineering.Analysis software for each field, such as slope stability analysis and groundwater infiltration flow analysis, is available and has a proven track record of being used by engineers and R & D developers in more than 100 countries around the world.
Products related to smart agriculture
■ Leaf Sensor
A leaf sensor that measures water level and sap flow.
By measuring and monitoring the water level (turbidity) of the leaves in real time, the timing of watering can be grasped and controlled.
■ vt-designer
Object pool design software that complies with the agricultural vehicle communication standard ISO11783.
It is possible to graphically develop, edit, and emulate a UI (object pool) that complies with ISO11783, which is a communication protocol for transmitting and receiving information such as running speed and PTO rotation speed between agricultural machines such as tractors and work machines. I can do it.
■ LCJ Capteurs – wind sensors
Anemometer (anemometer / anemometer) designed for use on the sea or on the ground.
In addition to LCJ Capteurs' specialty of marine fields such as installation on ships such as yachts and boats, it is used in a wide range of fields such as industry, agriculture, leisure, meteorological observation, wind power generation, and smart buildings.
■ Song Meter
It is a recorder that records the voice and ultrasonic waves of wild animals.
Various models are available, such as outdoor recorders for bats (Song Meter SM4 BAT) and birds and terrestrial animals (Song Meter SM4), and small bat ultrasonic recorders that can be used by connecting to mobile terminals. ..
As an example of pest control in agriculture using bats, there is also an example of confirming the ecology of bats in a tea plantation in Sri Lanka using Song Meter SM4BAT FS and Kaleidoscope Pro.
■ Sap Flow Sensors SF-4M / SF-5M
A sap flow measurement sensor for fruit and flower petioles and thin stems.
It is a cylinder type that wraps the stem from the outside, not the method of penetrating inside the stem or petiole, so it does not damage the plant.
* There is also information on on-demand irrigation schedules provided by edaphic scientific.
As you can see from the efforts of each company and the products related to the SDGs, the 17 goals are not independent, but have direct and indirect connections.In order to create a sustainable society and aim for a society where no one is left behind, it is important to cut into macro and sometimes micro while being aware of the overall picture of the various problems facing today's society. You can say that.
If you look only at the 17 goals, you tend to have a strong image of "a grand task", but if you deepen your understanding of the 169 achievement criteria, you will notice problems related to your own life and research and development. It may lead to the discovery of hints.
We will continue to provide information so that we can contribute to sustainable research and development.