Stop-motion animation production software that has been popular with Unipos for many years dragon frame The latest version ofDragonframe 5Is currently under development. This is the first major update in about 2017 years since its release in April 4.
Users who purchased Dragonframe 2020 after May 5, 1 will be eligible for a free upgrade to Dragonframe 4 (even if they are currently purchasing a new Dragonframe 5).Users who purchased Dragonframe 4 before April 2020, 4 can also upgrade to Dragonframe 30 at a low upgrade price (details will be announced after the release).
As of June 2021, for customers with eligible Dragonframe 6 licenses prior to official release Dragonframe 5 Beta versionThe offer has begun. hereYou can download it from, so please check it.
Dragonframe 5 Main points
- Support for Apple M1 Silicon (ARM64)
- Multiple camera support (up to four) – for additional hi-res capture or video assist
- Separate Drawing Layers and References for each magnitude view or alternative video assist
- “Making-of” capture integrated into the animation process Instructions
- Support for fractional display scaling on Windows and Linux (125%, 150%, etc)
- Recover from conform failure
- Emojis in drawing layer text, notes
- Support Monogram Creative Console (Palette Gear) for various tasks
- Added a time estimate for long shoot multiple and move tests
- Added a composite movie export option
- Added a reverse export option
- Added a multiple-frame auto toggle
- Added keypad focus control in animation workspace
- Added'Past Takes' reference layer to make it easier to refer to previous takes
- Drawing tool increment editor ticks can now show during animation or playback
- Reference movie player can go full screen
Compatible cameras to be added
- Support for Android and iOS devices over WiFi via DF Tether 2.0
- Support for Intel RealSense depth cameras
- Improved RED support with capture over WiFi now possible
For other update informationHave a look at this (Manufacturer WEB – WHAT'S NEW)
■ Click here for product details and inquiries Dragonframe / Professional stop motion animation production software |