[Release Information] The latest version of PyArmor, Version 9, has been released

A Python script obfuscation tool, a popular product of Unipos, an overseas product procurement service for research and development."PyArmor"The latest version, Version 9, has been released (October 2024).

We would like to inform you of the following changes that have been made with the release of the new version.

[Product Introduction] What is PyArmor?

A command line tool for obfuscating and protecting Python scripts. Python scripts obfuscated by PyArmor can be executed just like regular Python scripts.

Main uses

  • Intellectual property protection and security
  • Protecting intellectual property rights of software products and preventing illegal downloads
  • Protecting Python scripts used to control industrial processes
  • Protecting machine learning models and algorithms
  • Protect Python scripts embedded in various devices
  • Protecting Python scripts and research code developed in laboratories and universities


PyArmor Version 9 Major Changes

Setting "Maximum build devices" per license

From Version 9,Maximum number of devices on which PyArmor can be installedEach Docker run is treated as a new build device.

Basic Pro GROUP CI
100 100 200 0

Note that PyArmor CI, which will be described later, only runs in a CI/CD pipeline, so Maximum build devices is 0.

New license for PyArmor CI released

The license type for using PyArmor in a CI/CD pipeline is "PyArmor CI" has been newly established.

From Version 9 onwards, if you want to use PyArmor in your CI/CD pipeline, you must use PyArmor Basic or PyArmor CI (※ 1).

PyArmor Basic does not support RFT Mode (renaming function/class/method/variable in Python scripts) or BCC Mode (converting Python functions in scripts into C functions and compiling them directly to machine code), so if you want to use PyArmor in a CI/CD pipeline but also need these features, PyArmor CI is your choice.

PyArmor Basic / Pro / Group are permanent licenses, but PyArmor CI isAnnual licensePlease note that this will be the case.

*1: Exceptions
As of October 2024, 10, the PyArmor 29 Documentation contains the following:

"Pyarmor Pro licenses can still be used in CI/CD pipelines for a low volume of 100 runs per month."

Pyarmor Pro License still could be used in CI/CD pipeline for low volume (100 runs per month)

Comparison table of specifications for the new license lineup

Considering the above, the latest license specification comparison table is below. Please choose the most suitable license according to your usage scale and purpose.

*Unipos offers the "Basic", "Pro", "Group" and "CI" licenses for commercial use of PyArmor.

Feature Basic Pro GROUP CI
Big Script / Mix String Yes Yes Yes Yes
BCC / RFT / FLY mode - Yes Yes Yes
Offline build - - Yes -
Maximum build devices 100 100 200 0
Unlimited local dockers - - Yes -
Work in CI/CD pipeline Yes - - Yes
  • Big Script: Obfuscating scripts with large file sizes
  • Mix Str: Obfuscation of string constants in scripts
  • Offline build: Obfuscation is possible without an internet connection (offline obfuscation)
  • Unlimited local dockers: Run unlimited Docker containers on your local machine, even offline or on a private network

Upgrading from PyArmor Version 8

Users with PyArmor licenses for version 8.x can upgrade to 9.x for free (as of October 2024, according to the manufacturer's announcement).

However, if you have been using PyArmor Pro in your CI/CD pipeline, you will need to upgrade to PyArmor CI as described above to continue using the same functionality in your CI/CD pipeline (if you continue to use PyArmor Pro Version 8.x, you can continue to use it in your CI/CD pipeline).

Also, please note that if you upgrade your PyArmor Group to Version 9.x, you will need to regenerate the device regfiles for each offline device.

For more information about upgrading, please see the manufacturer's documentation: Using Pyarmor License: What need to do after upgrading Pyarmor.

Unipos is PyArmor'sManufacturer Authorized ResellerIf you are considering purchasing a PyArmor license, please Overseas product procurement service Unipos Please feel free to contact us!