Vehicle 3D model creation machine
A customer involved in automobile development consulted us about a PC for generating 3D models of vehicles. 3D scanning processing with RealityCapture and Unreal En […see next]
A customer involved in automobile development consulted us about a PC for generating 3D models of vehicles. 3D scanning processing with RealityCapture and Unreal En […see next]
A customer inquired about a PC for the purpose of simulating metal processing.Your requirements are as follows.・CPU: Emphasis on number of clocks Long calculation is assumed […see next]
A customer involved in research on construction technology consulted us about a machine for FEM analysis.The conditions for consideration are as follows.・Using Nastran as the solver, Pripos […see next]
A customer engaged in the research and development of liquid crystal displays asked us for a machine that runs the optical design software "Zemax OpticStudio" at high speed.lens design […see next]
A customer involved in mechanical engineering research and development consulted us about a machine for using CAE software "RecurDyn" and "Matlab" for mechanical analysis (motion analysis). […see next]
The customer who saw Case No. PC-3294 inquired about the machine for finite element method analysis with DIANA FEA.Preliminary for use in video editing […see next]
■This article was posted on May 2021, 5, so the information may be out of date. A customer contacted us about a holographic calculation machine. […see next]
■This article was posted on November 2020, 11, so the information may be outdated. Customer uses CAE software “Femtet” and Matlab […see next]
■This article was posted on November 2020, 11, so the information may be outdated. A customer requested CAE software "Femtet" with a budget of 25 million yen. […see next]
■This article was posted on November 2020, 11, so the information may be outdated. A customer requested a machine for using the CAE software "Femtet". […see next]
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