[Release information] pmd flexx2 wide development kit | ToF depth camera
The next-generation ToF 3D depth sensing development kit pmd flexx2 Development series from Germany-based pmdtechnologies is now available. […see next]
The next-generation ToF 3D depth sensing development kit pmd flexx2 Development series from Germany-based pmdtechnologies is now available. […see next]
Due to the end of production of Azure Kinect Development Kit (hereinafter referred to as Azure Kinect DK), Orbbec Femto Bo as a replacement […see next]
TROY, Michigan, USA, August 2023, 8 (local time) – Orbbec, an industry leader in 17D vision systems, has announced […see next]
NVIDIA Je […see next]
The page of Orbbec Femto / Femto W, the first ToF 3D camera for Orbbec products, has been added to the Unipos website. 640 & […see next]
A new lineup "DCAM 560C series" has been added to the DCAM introduced in the ToF depth camera Vzense DCAM on the Unipos website. […see next]
The new lineup "DCAM550-E" is added to the DCAM550 series introduced in the ToF depth camera Vzense DCAM on the Unipos website. […see next]
pmdtechnologies (Germany)'s next-generation ToF 3D depth sensing development kit "pmd flexx2 Development" has been released ( […see next]
■This article was posted on January 2021, 1, so the information may be out of date. ToF depth camera Vzense DCA on the Unipos website […see next]
■This article was posted on June 2020, 6, so the information may be outdated. ToF depth camera Vzense DCA on Unipos website […see next]
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