[Tegsys] Research and industrial PC production and sales service WEB site has been renewed

■ This is an article posted on June 2018, 3, so the content of the information may be out of date.

We would like to thank you for your continued support.

This time, Tegara Corporation has integrated the two operation websites "Research PC Otegara" and "Industrial PC Otegara" to produce and sell research and industrial PCs.TEGSYSThe website has been renewed.

New website URL: https://www.tegsys.net

The style of introducing our services in the form of PC proposal cases has not changed, and we aimed to create a website that is easier for users to use by reconstructing information that is easier to find and view. We hope you will visit the newly reborn WEB page.

We will continue to improve the quality of our services and make every effort to meet the expectations of our customers.
Thank you in the future.

TEGARA Co., Ltd.